Edge of Discovery Podcast Series
The podcasts comprise of twenty-eight short interviews (approx. 15 mins each) with different academics across the university. The first set of conversations centred around Teaching and Assessing Online, EPortfolio based assessment and Advance HE Fellowships.
A second set of podcasts feature DCU colleagues speaking about Academic Integrity, Learning Design, Creativity for Covid-19 delivery of practical modules, and more.
The third set of podcasts released in September 2021 features colleagues speaking about Methods of Assessment, President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching winners, Teaching & Learning Week 2021 and Learning Design.
The fourth and most recent set of podcasts features colleagues speaking about Assessment, Reflection and Industry Relationships.
If you are interested in contributing to future Edge of Discovery Podcasts, please contact us at teu@dcu.ie.
In this podcast, Dr Loanda Cumba shares her experience of facilitating a hackathon, online, with a large cohort of students. She discusses the highs and lows, and the importance of planning and support.
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January 2022
Setting a 30 day sustainability challenge for students. Students giving themselves feedback on their progress, realized what needs to change regarding sustainability.
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Promoting academic integrity from home (online). This was done by students reading from an assigned paper and critiquing it (would be hard to cheat because you had to elaborate on points).
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Programme with no terminal examination, only continuous assessments. Assignments are more flexible in terms of time, new way of learning.
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Uaneen award is award given to students for being involved in extra curricular activities; way to get students engaged. Sandra McCormack created a way for students to further their reflective writing.
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Dr Julie Bertz explaining how she went into fellowship for herself and how she enjoyed it. Explained the challenges and obstacles she faced going into fellowship.
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Prof Deiric O Broin explains how you have to go through that first cold call to be able to begin a sustainable relationship with external partners. He believes that building these relationships are very important.
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September 2021
Dr Peter Tiernan explained the ways how he overcame the struggles of teaching and learning online. He developed a module that helped this issue.
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Karen Buckley admits how she isn't a fan of group work. She explains how when she used group work she saw there was a lack of individual recognition effort.
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Dr Diarmuid Torney talks on eco anxiety which is when students experience anxiety due to information on the news, news outlets etc on topics such as climate change. He gives ways that students can overcome this and the work he has done regarding sustainability.
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Dr Barbara Dignam talks on her experience designing an online module and her experience having to shift to online teaching and learning. She talks on how she used practical assessments online too.
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Dr Marta Rocchi talks on her experience teaching online and how she shifted to online. She states that human beings are the only beings that need an education.
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Gary Sinclair explains how podcasts could be a substitute for teaching, and can be very helpful for online teaching. Believes that it gives students variety.
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Believes that there is some flexibility in constructive alignment
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January 2021
September 2020